Please read the following detailed information before signing your child up for the Lake Houston Knights.
When you register you will be asked to accept these terms and conditions, and by doing so you agree that you and your child will abide by these rules and guidelines.
Statement of Faith
Lake Houston Knights Homeschool Chess Club & Team is a Christian-based Chess Club that seeks to develop character and sportsmanship in alliance with the Word of God, the Bible. All behavior, conversation, and dress should seek to glorify God.
Parental Involvement
Chess Club is a parent-run activity that requires volunteer participation on your part. Please make arrangements as necessary to be able to volunteer a minimum of 2 days per semester. On the day you are to work as a volunteer, you will need to either arrive 15 minutes early to assist with setup or stay late to assist with breakdown. All volunteers will be on duty for the duration of the club meeting.
Children 9 years and younger

Chess Club is not a drop-off activity. Your child must be accompanied by a designated adult, yourself or someone who is responsible for your child that day. There is space available for parents and siblings who are not playing chess to wait in a sitting area; however, the playground must be accompanied by an adult. Thank you for respecting that request.
Children 10 years and younger

​Children ages 10 and younger must be accompanied in and picked up by a parent or designated adult. You may not drop your child off in the parking lot, and we will not allow your child to leave the building until an adult comes in to sign out.
Conduct and Sportsmanship
We are here to play Chess not Chase! :-) Please supervise your child, particularly toward the end of the meeting time, to ensure he/she is not running around or being too rowdy. We expect good sportsmanship at all times and willingness to learn. During teaching times, your child is expected to be non-disruptive and respectful of the teacher and other students. If your child is verbally reprimanded multiple times and is still disruptive, he/she will be asked to join the parents in the sitting area. When s/he is ready to return without being disruptive, your child is welcome to join us. Repeated problems will indicate that chess may not be right for your child at that time.
Dress Code
Our dress and attire should reflect our values as Christians. We are playing Chess not Chest! :-) Tops that are low cut, tight fitting, or gape open when bending over are not allowed. Spaghetti straps, leotards, and halters as an outer garment are not acceptable. The midriff must not be exposed when a student goes through normal activities.The length of shorts, skirts, or dresses must be mid-thigh or longer. Any form of dress that attracts undue attention or detracts from the game of chess is not acceptable. When representing the Lake Houston Knights at tournaments you should dress in a way that reflects positively on our group as well as homeschoolers as a whole.